AGM 2016 and Management Committee elections

The Annual General Meeting of the World Seagrass Association is to be held on the 21 December 2016 (official notice and agenda will be sent on the 5 December 2016).

In preparation for the AGM, please note the following dates:

  • 14 November – nominations for executive positions open
  • 28 November – nominations for executive positions close
  • 2 December – elections open
  • 19 December – elections close
  • 21 December – AGM

If you would like to nominate a WSA member for a WSA Management Committee position (President, Vice-president, Treasurer or Secretary), you must use the attached form.

Please note: you must be a current financial member of the World Seagrass Association Inc. to be nominated and you must be a financial member to nominate or second a nomination.