AGM 2016 and new Management Committee

As previously announced the Annual General Meeting of the World Seagrass Association is to be held on the 21 December 2016. The agenda is now posted.

The main business we have to address is the appointment of the new management committee and acceptance of the financial report.

According to WSA Rules, as one candidate has been nominated for each position (i.e. sufficient number of candidates nominated), there is no requirement for the positions to go to election and positions will be appointed unopposed after the existing Management Committee retires at the beginning of the AGM2016.

The incoming committee will be:

President, Mike van Keulen
Vice President, Jessie Jarvis
Treasurer, Lina Mtwana Nordlund
Secretary, Len McKenzie
Immediate-Past President, Richard Unsworth

If you would like to be considered for a position on the WSA Inc. Steering Committee, please send an email to the WSA Secretary soon. A Steering committee is appointed from the general membership to provide advice to the Management Committee when requested. Steering Committee membership is chosen to reflect a cross-section of membership (e.g., geographic region, student status, etc).

If you wish to attend the AGM2016 in person, that would be great, but if you cannot and wish to vote you are welcome to do so by proxy, members have been emailed a proxy form this week. You have a choice on the form to vote for each resolution.

Please contact the Secretary if you need any advice or an explanation of the procedures described here.