
Posts Tagged ‘ISBW’

ISBW11 Day Three: Fieldtrip fun at Xincun Bay

Mike van Keulen shares his thoughts about the field visit we had to Xincun Bay. Photos and text by Mike van Keulen —————————————————————————- As part of the ISBW11 activities, we were privileged to visit the Special Seagrass Protection Area in Xincun Bay near the Workshop location on Hainan Island. The bus ride to the site […]

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BREAKING NEWS! ISBW12 location announced

This just in folks! The location of the next ISBW – a closely guarded secret that we couldn’t trick or bribe the voting officials to divulge, is…. More details to follow! Stay tuned to the blog!

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ISBW11 Day Two: Rising to the challenge – a quick chat with Mike Fortes.

Day two of the 11th International Seagrass Biology Workshop opened with Mike Fortes issuing a challenge to seagrass scientists to lead the charge on raising awareness on seagrass habitats in the morning’s plenary. Mike believes that there is still much work to be done on seagrass science and management in the tropics and especially in […]

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ISBW11 Day Two: Photos from the conference.

Because a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s a bunch of photos: From the talks: Making new friends at tea break: And from the workshops:

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11th International Seagrass Biology Workshop – Sanya, China

Hello from ISBW11 in sunny Sanya! Prof. Xiaoping Huang and the local organizing committee welcomed us and officially opened the ISBW this morning with welcome addresses from representatives from the South China Sea Institute of Ocenanology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, World Seagrass Association and local representatives. The two plenary speakers for day 1 […]

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