
The application deadline for Evamaria Koch Student Travel Grants to attend the 11th International Seagrass Biology Workshop has been extended to 10th September 2014.

On behalf of the World Seagrass Association Inc. and the ISBW11 Organising Committee, a limited number of student grants will be made available to help students attend the ISBW11 in November 2014.

The application is open to all students registered for ISBW11 as well as those who have completed their education recently (defined as having graduated, or obtained a masters or PhD degree on or after 15th April 2014) and who have submitted abstracts for presentation at the ISBW11. Priority will be given to students from developing countries, but students from other countries may also apply. Students may apply irrespective of whether they have already paid ISBW11 fees or not.

In order to apply for a student grant please send an application letter to ISBW2014@163.com by 10th September 2014 quoting your registration number and stating:

  1. why it is important for you to attend ISBW11;
  2. why you need a student grant;
  3. how you are eligible; and
  4. what other funding you already have to contribute to your participation in the meeting.

The World Seagrass Association Inc. invites expressions of interest from members and interested organisations/institutions who would like to host the 12th International Seagrass Biology Workshop (ISBW) in 2016. Continue Reading »

The ISBW11 will be held from 7–10 November, 2014 at Sanya City, Hainan Province, China. The workshop schedule will include scientific symposia for both oral and poster presentations and a field exploration. Several successful and fruitful scientists are invited to give keynote speeches. As an integral part of this exciting program, we look forward to your presentation. The following symposium themes were chosen for ISBW11:

  1. Key Ecological Processes
  2. Ecosystem Vulnerability and Resilience
  3. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  4. Management and Restoration
  5. Knowledge Gaps in Tropical Seagrass Research
  6. IUCW Seagrass Species Specialist Group (S3G)

Note these important dates:

  • 1 September 2014: last day for early bird registration payment
  • 10 September 2014: last day for abstract submission (extended)

Please visit the workshop webpage  for registration and housing information, and detailed program information. We hope you will attend this wonderful gathering.

ISBW 11 Secretariat, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology
164# West Xingang Road, Guangzhou, PR China, 501301
Conference email: isbw2014@126.com

In memoriam: Evamaria Koch

Today we mourn the passing of one of our own in the seagrass community, Evamaria Koch. Below is a letter from WSA President, Giuseppe Di Carlo.


19 March 2014

Dear friends and colleagues,

I am writing to some share some terrible news. On Thursday evening (March 13, 2014) our dear friend Evamaria Koch passed away.

Eva bravely fought lung cancer for a year, then most recently, the cancer spread further until nothing more could be done.

eva3I cannot tell you the sadness I felt when I heard this news, which landed completely unexpected, as Eva chose not to share news about her health with colleagues. Most of you know how much I cared for Evamaria. She was a close friend and a mentor for me. I remember when I was still a PhD student, how much she supported me from afar, and she and I coauthored my first peer‐review publication. In 2005, Eva convinced me to move to the US to take a position at UMCES on the eastern shore of Maryland. That choice shaped much of my career from there onwards. When I arrived in the US, Evamaria was the only person I knew, and she was for a while, my family. I will never forget spending time with both Eva and her daughter Olga. Evamaria and I shared many great moments, sampling seagrasses in the Chesapeake Bay, traveling to conferences and spending time discussing research ideas at all hours of the day. I even remember celebrating Italy’s World Cup win in 2006 with Eva and Olga, together with Tim Carruthers and many other friends at UMCES. I am sure that you all have similar memories.

Aside from my personal considerations, Evamaria was an internationally respected scientist. She had a PhD in Marine Sciences from the University of South Florida and she held the position of Assistant Professor at Horn Point Laboratory – UMCES since 1995 and she then became Associate professor in 2001. Eva published more than 50 papers, of which two in the journal Science, on seagrasses with a specific focus on coastal protection, hydrodynamics and seagrass‐sediment interactions.

eva1Eva’s favourite quote was “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” by Albert Einstein. This demonstrates her passion for science and specifically for seagrasses. Eva enjoyed tremendously spending time fleshing out new ideas and projects, SCUBA diving on seagrass beds and setting up experiments. I remember the many fun days spent on a boat in the Chesapeake Bay just like I will never forget how she proved me wrong on a number of theories about the effects of temperature and sediments on seagrasses.

Eva mentored a large number of students, masters and PhDs, and always dedicated herself to teaching both in the USA, Zanzibar and Brazil. Eva was a supporter of global science initiatives, believing in the need to establish collaboration across countries and continents. For this reason she supervised students oversees, and in 2006 she co‐organised the 7th International Seagrass Biology Workshop. In addition, Eva was one of the pioneers of global seagrass monitoring networks, working with Fred Short, Rob Coles and Miguel Fortes in establishing and running SeagrassNet, a project she strongly believed in.

eva2As for the WSA, Evamaria participated actively in the governance of WSA, being a founding member of the Association and a Steering Committee member since 2002. She always attended meetings and contributed to building the Association to what it is today. We are proud to have had the pleasure to cross paths with such a talented and dedicated person.

I will always remember Eva and I will continue to dedicate to her my passion and knowledge of seagrasses. I hope you will join me in taking a moment for Eva, in memory of all the good moments we lived with her and to reflect on what are the things in life that count the most.

For those who knew Eva and would like to share their stories and memories, WSA would be happy to collect these to share with Eva’s family and particularly for her daughter, whom we are sure will eventually want to hear what a great scientist her mother was. For those who would like to make a donation in Eva’s name, her family has selected the World Seagrass Association to collect these donations. The WSA will establish the “Evamaria Koch student travel fund” in memory of Evamaria. This award will assist students to attend future ISBWs.

The thoughts and condolences of the WSA go to Eva’s family and most especially to Olga, Eva’s daughter.

I wish you all the best,


Dr. Giuseppe Di Carlo


World Seagrass Association Inc.


The ISBW11 will be held from 7-10 November 2014 in Sanya city, Hainan Province, China, organized by South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Registration and call for abstracts opens March 21st 2014.

More information can be found on the ISBW11 website: http://isbw11.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1


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